Table of Contents |
Create a Custom Role
Keep in mind that you You need to have Owner or User Access Administrator permissions to create custom roles.
1. In the Azure portal, open a subscription or a resource group where the a custom role is to be assigned to.
c) 'Clone a role'. Select one* of the existing roles and open .
*Commonly used Azure built-in roles:
Built-in Role | ID |
Reader |
Contributor |
Virtual Machine Contributor |
Virtual Network Contributor |
Storage Account Contributor |
Web Plan Contributor |
SQL server Contributor |
SQL DB Contributor |
Open the tab 'JSON' to and modify the permissions . The JSON body should look like as in the template below:
Code Block |
{ "name": "{your-existing-Role-definition-id}", "permissions": [ { "actions": [ "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions/write", "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listKeys/action" ], "notActions": [] } ], "AssignableScopes": [ "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}", "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}", "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}" ], "RoleName": "{your-Role-name}", "RoleType": "CustomRole", "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/RoleDefinitions" } |
Replace {your-existing-Role-definition-id} with your role definition id. In the section "AssignableScopes" add the string "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}"
with your {subscription-id}.*Commonly used Azure built-in roles with necessary permissions:
Built-in Role | ID |
Reader |
Contributor |
Virtual Machine Contributor |
Virtual Network Contributor |
Storage Account Contributor |
Web Plan Contributor |
SQL server Contributor |
SQL DB Contributor |
4. Assign the custom role to a user in case you are adding a Native application, or to the application in case you are adding a Web app/API.
Custom role creation in Azure Portal is an asynchronous operation. This means that a time lag may take place.
5. Open the tab 'Review + Create'. Check the role details and click Create.
Update an Existing Cloudaware Custom Policy