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Since Cloudaware is built on, address Salesforce CLI is a powerful command line interface that simplifies development and build automation when working with your Salesforce account.


Note that you must use API names to run SOQL queries against Cloudaware objects and fields. To locate API names, go to Setup → Create → Objects → select an object in question.


Let's execute a sample SOQL query* that will return AWS EC2 instances that are not deleted from AWS with Accounts, Private IP and Public IP:


1. Get your Access Token using Salesforce CLI (sfdx CLI): sfdx force:org:display -u orgAlias[screen]


This is your authorization bearer token. Now we can make curl and rest API calls using this token.

2. Make note of your Instance URL. You can see examples here.

3. Here is a Cloudaware-specific example to retrieve the list of IP addresses:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer'
