2. Generate an API key*. In your PagerDuty account go to Configuration (upper right corner) → API Access → Create New API Key. In the section ‘API version’:
1. Generate an API key*. In your PagerDuty account go to Developer Tools → API Access and click Create New API Key**. In the section 'API version':
Note |
*You must be an admin or account owner within PagerDuty to access your API key. |
Tip |
**If you have PagerDuty accounts integration enabled, use the API Key generated in p.2. |
2. Add and configure a service in PagerDuty that Cloudaware will send notifications to:
2. Insert the integration details:
2.1. API Key - API key
2.2. Integration Key - Integration key can be found in details of the service you would like to monitor (in PagerDuty select Service Directory → Service in question → the tab 'Integrations').
2.3. You must type API names of fields in 'Incident Key Field', 'Resolve Time Field' and 'Fields' exactly as they are on the object (e.g. CA10__caUuid__c, CA10__disappearanceTime__c, etc). To locate API names of fields on a specific object, go to Setup in the main menu → Objects under the section 'Create' → select the object in question → the section 'Custom Fields & Relationships' → locate the field's API name.
2.24. The field 'Incident Key Field' acts like dedup_key (see PagerDuty documentation) and will be used by PagerDuty for searching an incident when it is being edited. If this field is not defined, CA10__caUuid__c will be used.
2.3. 5 The field 'Resolve Time Field' will be used to indicate 'Resolve' for an incident in PagerDuty. If it is not mentioned, an incident won't be closed automatically in PagerDuty.
2.46. In the field 'Fields' type a list of fields separated by line break sign (\n). This is the list of API Name fields that will be transmitted into a description of the incident in PagerDuty. For example,
4. Once outbound messages are set up, check your PagerDuty Notification integration in Cloudaware. The green light in ‘Status'Status' means that the integration has been enabled successfully. If there is a red light, please contact support@cloudaware.com.