Versions Compared


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  1. Log in to Cloudaware account.

  2. Select Admin under your username in the upper right corner.

  3. Locate Breeze in the list of DevOps Integrations. Click 1 Configured.

Manual Installation

Check Navigation to get the agent installer file.


1. Download the agent installer (click the version for Linux Agent) to the temporary directory.


3) Run the job manually. Check the log-file C:\Program Files\Breeze\agent.log.

Automated Installation

To Check Navigation to get the agent installer file:


Log in to Cloudaware account.




Locate Breeze in the list of DevOps Integrations. Click 1 Configured.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Installing the Breeze Agent on AWS Elastic Beanstalk can be done using .ebextension configuration files. In this example, we will use EB CLI to deploy new configuration.


Installation on VM managed by vCenter

Check Navigation to get the agent installer file.

Since VM ID cannot be used as a unique identifier across multiple vCenter Servers, you should perform additional configuration when installing Breeze on vCenter VMs.


Once the agent is installed:


1. Create a file etc/tags in the Breeze agent’s directory:


WHERE vmware.vmid - moRef ID, vmware.service.uuid - instanceUuid from the API-call described here.

Proxy support

Check Navigation to get the agent installer file.

To add the proxy support to Breeze agent, you need to edit the startup script. :

On Linux:

Open file /opt/breeze-agent/
