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Field-Level Encryption
For primary data storage, Cloudaware leverages the Force.com built-in capability to apply field-level encryption, to encrypt custom fields containing sensitive data within their Cloudaware Org. The feature is available to customers by default, but customers must choose to implement this feature for their Cloudaware Org. Field-level encryption allows customers to encrypt custom fields containing letters, numbers, and symbols. The fields are encrypted with AES-128 and are FIPS 140-2 validated (certificate #1837). Only users with the "View Encrypted Data" permission can view the content of the encrypted custom fields. To utilize field-level encryption capabilities, customers can create a new custom field and choose the data type as 'Text (Encrypted)'. This will configure a field that can contain any combination of letters, numbers, and symbols and store them in encrypted form. Customers can specify the "mask type" and "mask character" for any encrypted custom fields.