Info |
The article instructs on explains how to provide access to AKS Cluster with enabled Active Directory(AD) integration for Cloudaware to discover AKS resources automatically. If your AKS cluster is not AD managed, simply grant Cloudaware the permission Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/listClusterUserCredential/read as described here. |
Cloudaware supports the following AKS cluster objects:
Azure AKS Cluster Azure AKS Cluster Agent Pool Profile Azure AKS Cluster Config Map Azure AKS Cluster Daemon Set Azure AKS Cluster Deployment Azure AKS Cluster Endpoint Azure AKS Cluster Limit Range Azure AKS Cluster Namespace Azure AKS Cluster Node Azure AKS Cluster Node Address Azure AKS Cluster Node Condition Azure AKS Cluster Pod Azure AKS Cluster Pod Container Azure AKS Cluster Public IP Address Link Azure AKS Cluster Public IP Prefix Link Azure AKS Cluster Replica Set Azure AKS Cluster Resource Quota Azure AKS Cluster Service Azure AKS Cluster Stateful Set |