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The article describes different types of Kubernetes and instructs on how to enable Kubernetes integrations to see the related data in Cloudaware CMDB.

Table of Contents



Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. This article explains how to add Kubernetes integration to Cloudaware depending on the Kubernetes type.

Kubernetes - CA_logo_black.pngImage Added To see how Cloudaware seamlessly integrates with Kubernetes in action, request a demo.

Table of Contents

Kubernetes Types

  • managed (public/private)

This is Kubernetes service managed by a cloud provider: EKS by AWS, AKS by Microsoft Azure and GKE by Google Cloud.

  • native (public/private)

This is a native non-cloud managed Kubernetes, e.g. for on-prem servers.


Set up access to your Amazon EKS Cluster using this guide.

If the cluster your Amazon EKS Cluster is private, install Cloudaware Breeze agent first. Once installed, allows allow some time for Breeze to detect Kubernetes type and automatically enable a TunHub gateway to set up a TunHub secure connection.

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Set up access to your Amazon EKS Cluster using thisUse this guide to grant Cloudaware the permission to automatically discover AKS Cluster resources.

If your AKS Cluster is AD managed, use this guide for setup.

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) [coming soon]Set up access to your Amazon EKS Cluster using

Ensure that Cloudaware has Viewer role assigned on the project level and Kubernetes Engine API enabled as described in this guide.

Kubernetes Cluster Use (on-prem)

Refer to this guide to learn more more how to add about adding your Kubernetes Cluster to Cloudsaware. Keep in mind:

If your cluster is public, you can simply add its URL.

If it's private, please install Breeze agent, setup the TunHub connection first and then add the TunHub URL (format) in the URL in setting of this integration..Cloudaware. Note that if your Kubernetes cluster is:


Use a direct Cluster link as URL in settings of Kubernetes Cluster integration.


  1. Install Breeze agent.

  2. Setup the TunHub connection.

  3. Use the TunHub URL (e.g. as URL in settings of Kubernetes Cluster integration.

Breeze DaemonSets for Managed Kubernetes Cluster

Refer to this guide to create a DaemonSet with Breeze agent to run the agent on every cluster. This option is valid for EKS, AKS and GKE clusters.

List of supported objects

AWS EKS Cluster
AWS EKS Cluster Config Map
AWS EKS Cluster Daemon Set
AWS EKS Cluster Deployment
AWS EKS Cluster Endpoint
AWS EKS Cluster Fargate Profile
AWS EKS Cluster Fargate Profile Subnet
AWS EKS Cluster Ingress
AWS EKS Cluster Limit Range
AWS EKS Cluster Namespace
AWS EKS Cluster Network Policy
AWS EKS Cluster Network Policy Rule
AWS EKS Cluster Node
AWS EKS Cluster Node Address
AWS EKS Cluster Node Condition
AWS EKS Cluster Node Group
AWS EKS Cluster Node Group Subnet Link
AWS EKS Cluster Pod
AWS EKS Cluster Pod Container
AWS EKS Cluster Pod Disruption Budget
AWS EKS Cluster Replica Set
AWS EKS Cluster Resource Quota
AWS EKS Cluster Role
AWS EKS Cluster Role Binding
AWS EKS Cluster Secret
AWS EKS Cluster Security Group Link
AWS EKS Cluster Service
AWS EKS Cluster Service Account
AWS EKS Cluster Service Account Secret
AWS EKS Cluster Stateful Set
AWS EKS Cluster Storage Class
AWS EKS Cluster Subnet Link

Azure AKS Cluster
Azure AKS Cluster Agent Pool Profile
Azure AKS Cluster Config Map
Azure AKS Cluster Daemon Set
Azure AKS Cluster Deployment
Azure AKS Cluster Endpoint
Azure AKS Cluster Fact
Azure AKS Cluster HPA
Azure AKS Cluster Ingress
Azure AKS Cluster Limit Range
Azure AKS Cluster Namespace
Azure AKS Cluster Network Policy
Azure AKS Cluster Network Policy Rule
Azure AKS Cluster Node
Azure AKS Cluster Node Address
Azure AKS Cluster Node Condition
Azure AKS Cluster Pod
Azure AKS Cluster Pod Container
Azure AKS Cluster Pod Disruption Budget
Azure AKS Cluster Public IP Address Link
Azure AKS Cluster Public IP Prefix Link
Azure AKS Cluster Replica Set
Azure AKS Cluster Resource Quota
Azure AKS Cluster Role
Azure AKS Cluster Role Binding
Azure AKS Cluster Secret
Azure AKS Cluster Service
Azure AKS Cluster Service Account
Azure AKS Cluster Service Account Secret
Azure AKS Cluster Stateful Set
Azure AKS Cluster Storage Class

Google GKE Cluster
Google GKE Cluster Config Map
Google GKE Cluster Daemon Set
Google GKE Cluster Deployment
Google GKE Cluster Endpoint
Google GKE Cluster HPA
Google GKE Cluster Ingress
Google GKE Cluster Limit Range
Google GKE Cluster Namespace
Google GKE Cluster Network Policy
Google GKE Cluster Network Policy Rule
Google GKE Cluster Node
Google GKE Cluster Node Address
Google GKE Cluster Node Condition
Google GKE Cluster Node Pool
Google GKE Cluster Pod
Google GKE Cluster Pod Container
Google GKE Cluster Pod Disruption Budget
Google GKE Cluster Replica Set
Google GKE Cluster Resource Quota
Google GKE Cluster Role
Google GKE Cluster Role Binding
Google GKE Cluster Secret
Google GKE Cluster Service
Google GKE Cluster Service Acc Secret
Google GKE Cluster Service Account
Google GKE Cluster Stateful Set
Google GKE Cluster Storage Class