Amazon Linux 2012.09 and newer
Amazon Linux v2
CentOS/RHEL/Oracle Linux 6-8CentOS 5 and newer
Debian 7 -11and newer
Ubuntu 1210.04 - 21.04SUSE Enterprise 11, 12, 15and newer
Microsoft Windows Server (64-bit) (2008, 2008R2, 2012, 2012R2, 2016, 2019), except for Core versionMacOS2012 and newer, except for Microsoft Windows Server Core installations
Supported Architectures
Linux: x86_-64 , aarch64 and ARM64 (ARMAArch64)
Windows: x86_-64
MacOS: Intel CPUsmacOS: x86-64
Required Network Dependencies
Breeze requires outbound internet access on the port TCP 443 only
Breeze does not require any inbound connections and can be deployed on private networks and servers with no public IP addresses
Breeze supports IPv4 and IPv6
If you need to lock down outbound access to a specific IP address, contact your Technical Account manager
On AWS, Azure and GCPOn AWS, Azure and GCP, the instance metadata must be accessible enabled and accessible to the Breeze agent (access to 169to
254 should254
should be granted)
If you need to lock down outbound access to a specific domain name, contact your Technical Account manager or support@cloudaware.com.