Versions Compared


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Google Objects Cloudaware Discovers

Google Objects


Device42 Discovers


GCE Attached Disk

BigQuery Dataset

Google BigQuery Table


GCE Autoscaler

Billing Account


GCE DiskGoogle GCE Firewall RuleGoogle GCE ImageGoogle GCE Instance Group ManagerGoogle GCE Instance TemplateGoogle GCE InstanceGoogle GCE Network InterfaceGoogle GCE NetworkGoogle GCE RouteGoogle GCE SnapshotGoogle GCE Static External IP AddressGoogle GCE SubnetworkGoogle GCE Target VPN GatewayGoogle GCE InstanceTemplate AttachedDiskGoogle GCE Template Network InterfaceGoogle GCE VPN TunnelGoogle Project RegionGoogle Project ZoneGoogle ProjectGoogle RegionGoogle ZoneGoogle GCE Instance GroupGoogle BigQuery DatasetGoogle BigQuery TableGoogle Dataflow JobGoogle Dataproc Cluster Instance LinkGoogle Dataproc ClusterGoogle Dataproc JobGoogle Cloud DNS Managed ZoneGoogle Cloud DNS Resource Record Set

Cloud DNS Managed Zone

Google Cloud DNS Resource Record Set

Google Cloud KMS Crypto Key

Google Cloud KMS Key Ring

Google Cloud Router

Google Cloud Router BGP Peer

Google Cloud Router Network Interface

Google Cloud SQL Backup Run

Google Cloud SQL Database


Google Cloud SQL Instance

Google Cloud SQL Instance IP Address

Google Cloud SQL SSL Certificate

Google Dataflow Job

Google Dataproc Cluster

Google Dataproc Cluster Instance Link

Google Dataproc Job

Google G-Suite Customer

Google G-Suite Domain

Google G-Suite Domain Alias

Google G-Suite Group

Google G-Suite Member

Google G-Suite Organizational Unit

Google G-Suite Privilege

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Google G-Suite Role Assignment

Google G-Suite Role Privilege Link

Google G-Suite User

Google G-Suite User Address

Google G-Suite User Instant Messenger

Google G-Suite User Location

Google G-Suite User Organization

Google G-Suite User Posix Account

Google GCE Attached Disk

Google GCE Autoscaler

Google GCE Backend Bucket

Google GCE Backend Service


Google GCE Backend Service



Google GCE Backend Service HealthCheck


Cloud Router BGP PeerGoogle Cloud Router Network InterfaceGoogle Cloud Router

GCE Disk

Google GCE Firewall Rule

Google GCE Forwarding Rule

Google GCE GroupManager TargetPool Link

Google GCE Health Check

Google GCE

Network Peering


Google GCE




Google GCE

Target Pool




Google GCE

Target Pool

Instance Group

Google GCE

Target Proxy

Instance Group Manager

Google GCE

URL Map Host And Path Rule

Instance Mount Point

Google GCE

URL Map Test

Instance ServiceAccount Link

Google GCE


Instance Template


ML Engine ModelGoogle ML Engine Prediction JobGoogle ML Engine Training JobGoogle ML Engine VersionGoogle PubSub SubscriptionGoogle PubSub TopicGoogle Cloud SQL Backup RunGoogle Cloud SQL DatabaseGoogle Cloud SQL Instance IP AddressGoogle Cloud SQL InstanceGoogle Cloud SQL SSL CertificateGoogle Storage Bucket CORSGoogle Storage BucketGoogle GCE Instance FactGoogle GCE Instance Mount PointGoogle IAM Policy Audit ConfigGoogle IAM Policy Audit Log ConfigGoogle IAM Policy BindingGoogle IAM RoleGoogle IAM Service Account KeyGoogle IAM Service AccountGoogle Resource Manager FolderGoogle Resource Manager OrganizationGoogle Resource Manager ProjectGoogle Cloud KMS Crypto KeyGoogle Cloud KMS Key RingGoogle GCE Instance ServiceAccount LinkGoogle Logging Log MetricGoogle Logging Log SinkGoogle Monitoring Alert PolicyGoogle Monitoring ConditionGoogle GCR ImageGoogle GCR Repository

GCE InstanceTemplate AttachedDisk

Google GCE Network

Network (as VRF Group)

Google GCE Network Interface

Google GCE Network Peering

Google GCE Route

Google GCE Snapshot

Google GCE Static External IP Address

Google GCE Subnetwork


Google GCE Target Instance

Google GCE Target Pool

Google GCE Target Pool Instance Link

Google GCE Target Proxy

Google GCE Target VPN Gateway

Google GCE Template Network Interface

Google GCE URL Map

Google GCE URL Map Host And Path Rule

Google GCE URL Map Test

Google GCE VPN Tunnel

Google GCR Image

Google GCR Repository

Google GKE Cluster

GKE Cluster

Google GKE Cluster Config Map

Google GKE Cluster Daemon Set

Google GKE Cluster Deployment

Google GKE Cluster Endpoint

Google GKE Cluster HPA

Google GKE Cluster Ingress

Google GKE Cluster Limit Range

Google GKE Cluster Namespace

Google GKE Cluster Network Policy

Google GKE Cluster Network Policy Rule

Google GKE Cluster Node

Google GKE Cluster Node Address

Google GKE Cluster Node Condition

Google GKE Cluster Node Pool

Google GKE Cluster




Google GKE Cluster Pod Container

Google GKE Cluster Pod Disr Budget

Google GKE Cluster Replica Set


G-Suite CustomerGoogle G-Suite Domain AliasGoogle G-Suite DomainGoogle G-Suite GroupGoogle G-Suite MemberGoogle G-Suite Organizational UnitGoogle G-Suite PrivilegeGoogle G-Suite Role AssignmentGoogle G-Suite Role Privilege LinkGoogle G-Suite RoleGoogle G-Suite User AddressGoogle G-Suite User Instant MessengerGoogle G-Suite User LocationGoogle G-Suite User OrganizationGoogle G-Suite User Posix AccountGoogle G-Suite UserGoogle GKE Cluster Config MapGoogle GKE Cluster Daemon SetGoogle GKE Cluster DeploymentGoogle GKE Cluster EndpointGoogle GKE Cluster Limit RangeGoogle GKE Cluster NamespaceGoogle GKE Cluster Replica SetGoogle GKE Cluster Resource QuotaGoogle GKE Cluster ServiceGoogle GKE Cluster Stateful SetGoogle GKE Cluster HPAGoogle GKE Cluster IngressGoogle GKE Cluster Network Policy RuleGoogle GKE Cluster Network PolicyGoogle GKE Cluster Pod Disr BudgetGoogle GKE Cluster Role BindingGoogle GKE Cluster RoleGoogle GKE Cluster SecretGoogle GKE Cluster Service Acc SecretGoogle GKE Cluster Service AccountGoogle Billing Account

GKE Cluster Resource Quota

Google GKE Cluster Role

Google GKE Cluster Role Binding

Google GKE Cluster Secret

Google GKE Cluster Service

Google GKE Cluster Service Acc Secret

Google GKE Cluster Service Account

Google GKE Cluster Stateful Set

Google IAM Policy Audit Config

Google IAM Policy Audit Log Config

Google IAM Policy Binding

Google IAM Role

Google IAM Service Account

Google IAM Service Account Key

Google Logging Log Metric

Google Logging Log Sink

Google ML Engine Model

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Google Monitoring Alert Policy

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Google Project

Google Project Region

Google Project Zone

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Google Region

Google Resource Manager Folder

Google Resource Manager Organization

Google Resource Manager Project

Google Storage Bucket

Google Storage Bucket CORS

Google Zone