Versions Compared


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java -javaagent:/opt/cloudaware/newrelic/newrelic.jar -Dnewrelic.config.app_name=preferencedynamo-dev -jar /nyl/eis/ms/app/dynamodb-stream-2-kafka-1.0.64.RELEASE.jar --dynamodb.sourceTable=eis-nonprod-dev-preference

Whenever Cloudaware ships a new version of the APM agent to an agent, please make sure to restart the application.

  • .Net APM

  1. Add the following tag to the instance with the .Net application hosted in IIS:

dot_net_apm_enabled = true


Note: When creating alerts do not forget to update the Notification channel to include Pagerduty integration.

  • Kubernetes Monitoring


In order to deploy New Relic monitoring to a kubernetes cluster using Breeze, you need to configure kubectl on one of the EC2 instances with Breeze agent installed (a chosen instance should have permissions to access and deploy to a desired cluster) and apply the following tags to the instance:


Alternatively, you may follow the instructions on manual installation.

  1. Install kube-state-metrics  and get it running on the cluster. For example:

curl -L -o


Steps to install Kubernetes plugin for Logs:

  1. git clone

  2. edit new-relic-fluent-plugin.yml, replace the placeholder value <LICENSE_KEY > with your New Relic license key.

  3. Run: kubectl apply -f .

Optional: Configure parsing:


Steps to install Kubernetes events integration:

  1. Download the manifest file: curl -O https://download.New

  2. Edit the nri-kube-events-latest.yaml manifest file, adding both a cluster name, to identify your Kubernetes cluster (required), and your New Relic license key (required).

  3. Run: kubectl apply -f nri-kube-events-latest.yaml

To confirm that the integration has been configured correctly, wait a few minutes, then go to one.New  > Chart builder, and run the following NRQL query to see if data has been reported:

FROM InfrastructureEvent SELECT count(*) WHERE clusterName = 'YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME' since 1 hour ago

  • APM for Kubernetes

  1. Make sure to check the requirements;

  2. You containerized application should contain APM agent;

  3. Download the following yaml file:

    curl -O
    Edit this file, replacing <YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME> with the name of your cluster and apply the yaml file to your Kubernetes cluster:

    kubectl apply -f k8s-metadata-injection-latest.yaml

    Alternatively, you can install metadata injector using Helm. It is being shipped as a part of nri-bundle chart. For APM to work it is enough to install the injector webhook only, however, you are free to stick to the default chart configuration as well. Remember to replace the placeholders.
    Option 1: Install injector webhook only:
    helm upgrade --install newrelic newrelic/nri-bundle
    --namespace newrelic --create-namespace
    --set global.licenseKey=<YOUR_NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY>
    --set global.cluster=<CLUSTER_NAME>
    --set ksm.enabled=false
    --set newrelic-infrastructure.privileged=false
    --set infrastructure.enabled=false
    --set prometheus.enabled=false
    --set webhook.enabled=true
    --set kubeEvents.enabled=false
    --set logging.enabled=false
    Option 2: Default configuration:
    helm upgrade --install newrelic newrelic/nri-bundle
    --namespace newrelic --create-namespace
    --set global.licenseKey=<YOUR_NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY>
    --set global.cluster=<CLUSTER_NAME> --set ksm.enabled=true \ --set newrelic-infrastructure.privileged=true \ --set infrastructure.enabled=true \ --set prometheus.enabled=true \ --set webhook.enabled=true \ --set kubeEvents.enabled=true \ --set logging.enabled=true

  4. Each application pod/deployment which contains APM agent should be restarted for the New Relic environment variables to be injected by the webhook. After restarting the application you can verify that the webhook (responsible for injecting the metadata) was installed correctly by running the command:
    kubectl exec <pod_name> -- env | grep NEW_RELIC_METADATA_KUBERNETES
    You should see NEW_RELIC_METADATA_KUBERNETES_* environmental variables in the output;

  5. You can optionally limit the injection of metadata to specific namespaces in your cluster, or configure the metadata injection to work with custom certificates, if you’re using them. For more information, including steps for validating and troubleshooting metadata injection, see the documentation. After deploying the metadata injection file to our Kubernetes cluster, custom parameters from Kubernetes begin to appear in the New Relic UI.

  • Browser Monitoring

Browser monitoring provides a Real User Monitoring (RUM) solution that measures the speed and performance of your end users as they navigate to your site from different web browsers, devices, operating systems, and networks. Instrumentation is compatible with most SPA frameworks, such as Angular, Backbone, Ember, and React

Steps to enable Browser Monitoring:

  1. Check the requirements:

  2. Select a deployment option:

To learn more on different aspects of using New Relic monitoring please check the following selection of articles:
