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Log index


alb, elb

Ensure that that logging for ALB/ELB is on and logs are being stored in S3 Bucket. Grant Cloudaware with access to this bucket (s3:GetObject and s3:ListObject permissions)


Enable AWS Config as described in AWS Documentation

Ensure that Cloudaware has been granted with the permission config:Des* (or config:DescribeDeliveryChannels as minimum)


Enable logging as described in this external guide

Ensure that logs are being stored in S3 bucket. Grant Cloudaware with access to this bucket (s3:GetObject and s3:ListObject permissions)


Ensure CloudTrail is enabled and the CloudTrail data is accessible (the bucket should be present to Cloudaware)


Ensure Amazon EKS is enabled as described in AWS Documentation

Ensure that Cloudaware has been granted with permissions logs:DescribeLogGroups, logs:DescribeLogStreams, logs:GetLogEvents


Cloudaware tracks RDS logs in both CloudWatch and events from DB instance. Ensure that Cloudaware has the following permissions*:

  • for logs from CloudWatch: logs:DescribeLogGroups, logs:DescribeLogStreams, logs:GetLogEvents

  • for logs from DB instance: rds:DescribeDBInstances, rds:DescribeDBLogFiles, rds:DownloadCompleteDBLogFile, rds:DownloadDBLogFilePortion

*These permissions are predefined in Cloudaware Conflux Collector policy.


Ensure that Cloudaware has been granted with permissions logs:DescribeLogGroups, logs:DescribeLogStreams, logs:ListTagsForResource and logs:GetLogEvents.
Cloudaware automatically discovers CloudWatch groups where Lambda logs are stored. If the search didn't bring results, tag the group(s) with log-source: lambda tag.


Ensure that logging for DNS Queries is enabled as described in AWS Documentation


Ensure that logging for S3 is enabled as described in AWS Documentation


Ensure VPC, VPC subnet or Elastic Network Interface traffic is logged to CloudWatch Logs as described in AWS Documentation


Ensure that WAF logs are being stored in S3 Bucket or in CloudWatch Logs. Grant Cloudaware with access to this bucket (kinesis:DescribeStream and kinesis:ListStreams permissions should be in place, along with s3:ListBucket and s3:GetObject or logs:DescribeLogGroups, logs:DescribeLogStreams, logs:GetLogEvents depending on the log destination)

* If the S3 bucket is encrypted, please grant Cloudaware decrypt permissions. You can create a custom policy for the existing Cloudaware role on the account level, where the log bucket is located. Below is an the example of a custom policy applied to the Cloudaware role at the account level, where the log bucket is located. In granting decrypt permissions, in addition to the necessary list* and get* permissions, the policygrants decrypt permissions:

Code Block
 "Version": "2012-10-17",
 "Statement": [
   "Action": [
   "Resource": "arn:aws:kms:<REGION>:<BUCKET_ID>:key/<KEY_PLACEHOLDER>",
   "Effect": "Allow",
   "Sid": "AllowAccessToKMSCloudtrailBucket"
   "Action": [
   "Resource": [
   "Effect": "Allow",
   "Sid": "AllowAccessToLogsBucket"
   "Action": [
   "Resource": [
   "Effect": "Allow"


Log Index



Ensure that the Reader role has been assigned to Cloudaware based on Cloudaware Azure Start Guide


Ensure that a custom role has been created for Cloudaware to have 'read' access to Storage Account keys (Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listKeys/action permission)


Log index



Provide Cloudaware support with your Okta URL and token (you can generate a token using Okta documentation here)


Log index



Contact Cloudaware to request the Listener URL and a token required to create a webhook in OneLogin. Use the provided parameters in the field 'Custom headers' in OneLogin UI (Developers → Webhooks). Specify the format as JSON Array when creating the webhook. Here is an example:

Code Block
Listener URL:
Custom Headers:
    conflux: Xxx1xxxx0xxxxxXXxX
Format:  JSON Array