Amazon Cognito
about this feature: Amazon Cognito is designed for developers who want to add user management and sync functionality to their mobile and web apps. Developers can use Cognito Identity to add sign-up and sign-in to their apps and to enable their users to securely access their app's resources.
use case from customer: I was trying to see what user pools we had created. I've never used the Cognito Service before but had the request from the SOC to see if we had logs for Cognito flowing in. I also wanted to see if the Cognito user pools had any information forwarded to CloudTrail to enable our SOC during investigations for if we have a security incident relating to Cognito.
We've gone live with our new product in which we support adding users in our new product to Cognito so I would also like to see a count of users but we need to tread the line carefully not have PII stored within CloudAware to HIPAA compliance in the future.
Autumn '24 Release
GPU metrics in CMDB
Cloudaware Breeze now supports the discovery of GPU data for AWS EC2 Instances and physical servers. Customers can track metrics such as GPU count, GPU model, and vendor in Cloudaware CMDB.
Azure Management Groups
Customers can view the Azure organization structure and group subscriptions in Cloudaware CMDB. Cloudaware supports the discovery of Azure Management Groups, displaying up to 6 levels in the hierarchy. Note that the Hierarchy Settings Administrator role, which includes write
permission, is required for Cloudaware to access Azure Management Groups. Learn more about permissions here.
AWS Firewall Manager
Customers using custom AWS Firewall Manager Service policies for centralized WAF Management can now report on AWS FMS policies and see relationships between FMS policies and resulting WAF policies and groups.
AWS Inspector
Customers use AWS Inspector for vulnerability scanning, providing SecOps teams with comprehensive vulnerability data and reports. Cloudaware now supports AWS EC2 Inspector vulnerabilities.
In addition, fields showing data from AWS Inspector are available on EC2 instance records in Cloudaware CMDB.
AWS QuickSight
Customers can report on AWS QuickSight users, assigned roles and associated costs.
Cloudaware supports AWS VPC IPAM, a new VPC feature for managing IP addresses. Customers now access enhanced reporting on IP addresses, organizing IP space, and monitoring IP spaces that are in use.
Azure PostgreSQL/My SQL
Cloudaware added support for Azure PostgreSQL and MySQL flexible servers. Customers can report on them by using a filter ‘Deployment Mode = Flexible’ in CMDB.
AWS Cost Management
Cloudaware supports cost metrics for AWS CloudWatch and CloudWatch Logs services (such as CloudWatch Logs Log Groups). The metrics are available on the resource level in Cloudaware CMDB.
Tags with aws
prefix, e.g. aws:autoscaling:groupName, are supported as billing tags in Cloudaware to improve cost allocation.
New Relic
The new object Relic Synthetic Monitor has been added to extend New Relic visibility.
Summer '24 Release
Azure Stack HCI
Cloudaware now supports Azure Stack HCI, discovering the following objects: Arc Setting, Cluster, Gallery Image, Network Interface, Network Machine Link, Virtual Hard Disk, and Virtual Machine.
Azure Arc
The following objects are supported: Azure Hybrid Compute Machine, Azure Hybrid Private Endpoint Connection, Azure Hybrid Private Link Scope.
Compliance Engine
Support for Azure CIS Benchmarks v 2.0.0 is added.
Conflux (Log Management)
OneLogin logs are supported by Cloudaware Conflux.
Cloudaware adds support for S3 Multi-Region Access Points. Learn more about this S3 feature here.
AWS Lambda
Cloudaware now supports AWS Lambda Layers and Layer Versions. Customers can view Lambda layer inventories and their associations with Lambda Functions using Cloudaware reports, such as 'AWS Lambda Functions by Version'. Lambda Functions can have multiple layers/versions, and a layer version can be attached to multiple functions, creating a many-to-many relationship through the AWS Lambda Function Layer Version Link object.
AWS Service Catalogue
Customers relying on the AWS Service Catalog service can now track and report on the following AWS Service Catalog objects: Action Artifact Links, Portfolio Budget Links, Portfolio Shares, Product Budget Links, Provisioning Artifacts, Provisioned Products, and Service Actions.
Spring '24 Release
Requester Pays data for AWS S3 Buckets is available in CMDB
Cloudaware extends visibility into Amazon S3 service, supporting Requester Pays feature for S3 buckets. In AWS S3, bucket owners typically incur storage and data transfer costs. Alternatively, owners can enable 'Requester Pays', shifting request and download expenses to the requesters. FinOps can determine the bucket's payer by comparing its resource ID with the AWS account IDs that access it.
Cloudaware fetches payer data from billing files to enrich S3 details in CMDB. Customers can utilize Cloudaware CMDB to review the payer information at the bucket level. More about Requester Pays for S3 buckets here.
CloudWatch Agent
The Amazon CloudWatch Agent is a lightweight and flexible monitoring agent provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows you to collect and publish system-level metrics, logs, and custom metrics from your EC2 instances to Amazon CloudWatch.
Cloudaware adds support for Amazon CloudWatch Agent to collect memory utilization data for EC2 instances. The data is available on an instance level and can be used for reports and dashboards.
AWS CloudWatch Logs
Winter '24 Release
Amazon Cognito
Amazon Cognito helps developers add user management and sync features to mobile and web apps. Using Amazon Cognito, developers easily integrate sign-up, sign-in, and secure user access to app resources.
Cloudaware supports Amazon Cognito, allowing customers to track and report information related to identity & user pools. Customers can enable investigations in case of a security incident relating to Cognito.
AWS Verified Access
Customers leveraging AWS Verified Access can identify if and where determine the usage and location of this service is being used by checking related by examining associated trust providers, groups, instances, and endpoints.
Azure Cognitive Services
Customers who use Azure Speech to Text service can now leverage the visibility of the Azure AI Account and Azure AI Deployment objects in CMDB.
Azure Policy Definitions
Azure Policy Set Definitions
Azure Policy Assignment
Azure Policy Exemption
Azure Policy Remediation
Azure Policy Attestation
Azure SAML Certificates use
case: the certs we use for SSO are stored in the SAML certificates. we wanted to enumerate Cloudaware adds the object Azure AD Service Principal Certificate to gather information about certificates. Customers using SAML certificates for SSO can track the expiration date of those certs and the thumb prints. this is so we could build a report ot find out which of our SSO certs were going to expire so we could rotate them before outageThe object Azure AD Service Principal Certificate is added to collect certificatescertificates and rotate them before expiry.
AWS CloudWatch Logs
Objects Delivery, Delivery Destination, Delivery Source and Destination are added. These objects can now also be tagged Customers can tags these objects in Cloudaware Tag Analyzer.
Tenable Security Center
Cloudaware maps vulnerabilities from Tenable Security Center to such CMDB CIs as AWS Network Interface, Azure Network Interface, and Physical Server. This enhanced visibility empowers SecOps teams to perform more focused incident response actions, improving the organization’s security. Customer Customers can prioritize remediation efforts by leveraging relevant vulnerability context for IT assets.
Guide https://cloudaware.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/3601039397/AppDynamics
+ 2024 Q1
Oracle Cloud Compute service support
Jira Legacy | ||||||
2024 Q2
Update Conflux
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AWS S3 Update
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Snyk support
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2024 Q3
New Relic update
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Azure PostgreSQL/MySQL update
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Azure CIS Benchmarks 2.0.0
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Alibaba Cloud support Jira Legacy