Download the agent installer (Admin - Breeze - SHOW INFO - Linux Agent) to the temporary directory.
Unpack the archive:
tar xvzf breeze-agent*.tgz
Enter unpacked directory
cd breeze-agent
Run installation script:
as root-user:
./ |
or using sudo:
sudo ./ |
Linux Installation Verification:
Check the cronjob:
cat /etc/cron.d/breeze-agent |
Run the agent manually as root-user or using sudo:
cd /opt/breeze-agent/ |
Check the log-file var/log/breeze-agent.log.
It should be used only by the cronjob. When agent run manually, the log data will be printed to STDOUT.
Download the agent (Admin - Breeze - SHOW INFO - Windows Agent)
Start the installer executable file:
(breeze-agent*.exe) |
Breeze Agent will be automatically installed into the system.
Windows Installation Verification:
Open the Task Scheduler (Start → Control Panel → Administrative tools → Task Scheduler) and check that the scheduled task called Breeze Agent has been created.Run the job manually.Check the log-file C:\Program Files\Breeze\agent.log.
AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Installing the Breeze Agent on AWS Elastic Beanstalk can be done using .ebextension configuration files. In this example, we will use EB CLI to deploy new configuration.
Upload Breeze Agent installer file somewhere your ElasticBeanstalk environment can reach. We recommend using any S3 bucket with restricted access or the one created by Elastic Beanstalk (used in the example below).
Create configuration file in the .ebextension directory that is located in your project directory.
Windows-based environment:
files: "C:\\breeze-agent.exe": source: authentication: S3Auth commands: install_breeze: command: IF NOT EXIST "C:\Program Files\Breeze\app.bat" (C:\breeze-agent.exe) Resources: AWSEBAutoScalingGroup: Metadata: AWS::CloudFormation::Authentication: S3Auth: type: "s3" buckets: ["elasticbeanstalk-us-east-1-123456789098"] roleName: "Fn::GetOptionSetting": Namespace: "aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration" OptionName: "IamInstanceProfile" DefaultValue: "aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role"
Linux-based environment:
files: "/tmp/breeze-agent.tgz": source: authentication: S3Auth commands: "install breeze agent": test: test ! -d /opt/breeze-agent command: tar -xf /tmp/breeze-agent.tgz -C /tmp && /tmp/breeze-agent/ Resources: AWSEBAutoScalingGroup: Metadata: AWS::CloudFormation::Authentication: S3Auth: type: "s3" buckets: ["elasticbeanstalk-us-east-1-123456789098"] roleName: "Fn::GetOptionSetting": Namespace: "aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration" OptionName: "IamInstanceProfile" DefaultValue: "aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role"
This configuration file contains 3 sections: Files, Commands and Resources (AWS).
The Files section delivers Breeze Agent installer to the instance from S3 bucket.
The Commands section installs the Breeze Agent.
The Resources section creates an authentication role that allows access to the bucket with Breeze Agent installers to the Elastic Beanstalk.
For more configuration options see AWS documentation.
3. Deploy application with new .ebextension config.
eb deploy
Proxy support
To add the proxy support to Breeze agent, you need to edit the startup script.
On Linux:
Open file /opt/breeze-agent/
Add the next line before the string ruby ./app.rb
export http_proxy="" ./app.rb # this line already exist in file |
On Windows:
Open file C:\Program Files\Breeze\app.bat
Add the next line before the string ruby
app.rb >> agent.log 2>&1: set http_proxy= |
Last updated 2017-12-06 14:58:47 EET