Check the OS and Network requirements for the Breeze Agent installation. Once the agent is installed, Cloudaware enables IDS via Wazuh application for all instances with Breeze.
Under this approach customer maintains his own set of IDS servers and is responsible for many operational aspects including backup, disaster recovery and availability. Cloudaware recommends one IDS server per 500 agents and that IDS servers are deployed in the same region as agents.
Customers may also choose to deploy a hybrid approach where some agents use cloudaware-managed IDS servers and some agents user customer-managed IDS servers.
Linux All major flavors of Linux are supported (RedHat, CentOS, Amazon Linux, Ubuntu)
4-8 GB RAM
125-250 GB Disk
Internet accessible from Cloudaware IPs IP will be provided during actual deployment VPC Peering is possible between Customer and Cloudaware on port TCP 8443
Valid SSL Certificate Cannot be self-signed
Has to be reachable by IDS agents on:
TCP 1515
UDP 1514