The EC2/RDS scheduler starts and stops EC2/RDS instances based on the cloudaware:scheduler tag value. Schedule tag value may consist of several fields separated by a space, each field in the format key=value.

IAM Policy

To provide Cloudaware with necessary permissions, apply the following Instance Scheduler policy:

 "Version": "2012-10-17",
 "Statement": [
   "Sid": "CaInstanceScheduler",
   "Effect": "Allow",
   "Action": [
   "Resource": [

Tag Keys

To enable instance start/stop, apply the following keys in tags on instances that should be scheduled:



tz (required)

Timezone to be used by scheduler. Can be POSIX style abbreviation or “Area/Location” style from IANA Time Zone Database.

Example 1. Timezone POSIX style:


Example 2. Timezone Area/Location style:


default (required)

Default instance work hours. Can be either numeric or range with a hyphen separated by the slashes /. It also can be the word off which mean that instance should be stopped all that day or on which mean that instance should be running. The work hours should be specified in 24-hour format.

mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun

Instance work hours for current day. Format is the same as key default.

Example 1. Work hours:

default=9-16 sat=off sun=off

Instance will be running from 9:00 to 16:59 all days except Saturday and Sunday.

Example 2. Work hours:

default=off wed=9/14-17

Instance will be running only on Wednesday from 9:00 to 9:59 and from 14:00 to 17:59.

policy (optional)

Scheduler mode. Can be start_at_time or stop_at_time which mean that the scheduler will check and change instance status only at time defined with keys default and mon .. sun.

Learn more about tagging resources in Cloudaware here.

Tag Examples

tz=UTC default=9-17 sat=9-11/15-17 sun=off


schedule timezone

  • UTC;

instance work hours

  • from Monday to Friday: 9:00-17:59;

  • Saturday: 9:00-11:59 and 15:00-17:59;

  • Sunday: completely off;

tz=America/New_York default=off wed=0-5


schedule timezone

  • America/New York;

instance work hours

  • Wednesday: 00:00-5:59;