This article instructs on how to create a DaemonSet in order to install and run one sample of Cloudaware Breeze agent on every node of a cloud-managed Kubernetes cluster (Amazon EKS, Azure AKS, Google GKE). Linux only. |
Amazon EKS: ensure that Cloudaware has required permissions using this guide
Azure AKS: ensure that Cloudaware has required permissions using this guide.
DaemonSet starts the container with Breeze agent installer. The container has two bind mounts:
host:/opt > container:/opt
used for the Breeze agent installation from container to the host file system
host:/ > container:/var/root
used for launching the agent in the chroot environment
The container runs two commands:
Install the Breeze agent to the /opt
Run the simple daemon which runs the Breeze agent every 15 minutes.
1. Open Cloudaware GitHub repo with Kubernetes files. Clone the repo to your Github using the following command:
git clone |
2. Log in to Cloudaware account. Select Admin under your username in the upper right corner.
3. Locate Breeze in the list of DevOps Integrations. Click 1 Configured.
4. Select Linux* Agent version to download the Breeze agent.
*This integration is for Linux only.
*This integration is for Linux only.
5. Untar the Breeze installer and copy the extracted files (./breeze-agent folder) into kubernetes/daemonset folder of the cloned repo:
cd breeze-tools/kubernetes/daemonset && tar xzvf <DOWNLOADS_PATH>/breeze-agent.example.version.0.x86_64.linux.tgz |
should be replaced by the name of the dowloaded installer file (e.g. breeze-agent.1x11xx1xxxx11x11111x1x1x.11111111.0.x86_64.linux.tgz).
docker build -t ca-breeze-ds . |
6. Create a repository in your private container registry (e.g. AWS ECR, Azure ACR, Google GCR, etc.) named ca-breeze-ds. Upload the result image to your private container registry.
docker tag ca-breeze-ds:latest <CONTAINER_REGISTRY_HOSTNAME>/ca-breeze-ds:latest |
docker push <CONTAINER_REGISTRY_HOSTNAME>/ca-breeze-ds:latest |
is a placeholder that needs to be replaced by your private container registry URI (e.g.
7. Edit the DaemonSet configuration file ds-breeze-agent.yaml
replacing the placeholders with valid values. Ensure that image pull secret is added to Kubernetes Secrets.
8. Create the DaemonSet using the following command:
kubectl create -f ds-breeze-agent.yaml |
9. To verify that the DaemonSet has been created, you may run the following command:
kubectl get ds |