
1. Log in to Cloudaware account → Admin.

Breeze agent - admin.png
  1. Find Breeze in the list of DevOps integrations. Click 1 Configured.

Breeze agent - admin - 1 configured.png
  1. Select the installer file based on OS version.

Breeze agent - Breeze - versions.png

Manual Installation

Check the Navigation section to get the Breeze agent installer file.


1. Download the agent installer (select Linux Agent version) to the temporary directory.

2. Unpack the archive:

tar xvzf breeze-agent*.tgz

3. Enter the unpacked directory:

cd breeze-agent

4. Run the installation script:

sudo ./

Linux Installation Verification:

1) Check the cronjob or the systemd timer status:

cat /etc/cron.d/breeze-agent


systemctl status breeze-agent.timer

2) Run the agent manually as root-user or using sudo:

cd /opt/breeze-agent

3) Check the log file var/log/breeze-agent.log. It should be used only by the cronjob. When the agent is run manually, the log data will be printed to STDOUT.


1. Download the agent installer (select Windows Agent version)

2. Run the installer executable file:


Breeze agent will be automatically installed on the system.

Windows Installation Verification:

1) Open the Task Scheduler (Start → Control Panel → Administrative tools → Task Scheduler).

2) Ensure that the scheduled task Breeze Agent has been created.

3) Run the job manually. Check the log file C:\Program Files\Breeze\agent.log.

Automated Installation

Check the Navigation section to get the Breeze agent installer file.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk

You can install Breeze agent on AWS Elastic Beanstalk using .ebextension configuration files. In this example, we will use EB CLI to deploy a new configuration.

1. Upload the Breeze agent installer file to where it is available for your Elastic Beanstalk environment. We recommend using any S3 bucket with restricted access or the one created by Elastic Beanstalk (used in the example below).

2. Create a configuration file in the .ebextension directory that is located in your project directory.

Windows-based environment:

    authentication: S3Auth

    command: IF NOT EXIST "C:\Program Files\Breeze\app.bat" (C:\breeze-agent.exe)

          type: "s3"
          buckets: ["elasticbeanstalk-us-east-1-123456789098"]
              Namespace: "aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration"
              OptionName: "IamInstanceProfile"
              DefaultValue: "aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role"

Linux-based environment:

    authentication: S3Auth

  "install breeze agent":
    test: test ! -d /opt/breeze-agent
    command: tar -xf /tmp/breeze-agent.tgz -C /tmp && /tmp/breeze-agent/

          type: "s3"
          buckets: ["elasticbeanstalk-us-east-1-123456789098"]
              Namespace: "aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration"
              OptionName: "IamInstanceProfile"
              DefaultValue: "aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role"

This configuration file contains 3 sections: Files, Commands and Resources (AWS). 

The Files section delivers the Breeze agent installer to the instance from S3 bucket.

The Commands section installs the Breeze agent.

The Resources section creates an authentication role that grants access to the bucket with Breeze agent installers to the Elastic Beanstalk.

For more configuration options check AWS documentation.

This configuration file contains 3 sections: Files, Commands and Resources (AWS). 

The Files section delivers the Breeze agent installer to the instance from S3 bucket.

The Commands section installs the Breeze agent.

The Resources section creates an authentication role that grants access to the bucket with Breeze agent installers to the Elastic Beanstalk.

For more configuration options check AWS documentation.

3. Deploy the application with new .ebextension config.

eb deploy

AWS EC2 User Data Script

You can install Breeze agent on AWS EC2 instances using 'EC2 instance user data' during the initial launch of an instance. The script involves the following steps:

1. Download the agent installer

2. Unpack the installer (for Linux OSs)

3. Run the installer

Since the installer file is customer-related and may contain vulnerable data, it may be challenging to define a secure location where it will be placed and accessible for EC2 instance. Upload the installer file into the location where it will be publicly available for short duration. In the use case below, we will generate a presigned AWS S3 object URL for the S3 bucket storing the installer file. 

Upload the Breeze installer file(s) to AWS S3 Bucket

1. Download Breeze agent installers from Cloudaware CMDB.

2. Upload them to the S3 Bucket.

Generate a presigned object URL for each installer

AWS CLI tool and preconfigured profile in your AWS account are required. Use this command to generate a presigned object URL:

~$ aws s3 presign s3://breeze-agents/breeze-agent.linux.tgz

Sample output:*73!&Expires=1555121212

Default lifetime for this URL is 1 hour (or 3600 seconds). You can manually define the URL lifetime by adding --expires-in <time in seconds>:

~$ aws s3 presign s3://breeze-agents/breeze-agent.linux.tgz --expires-in 300

Prepare the user data script and launch the instance
Once agent installers are ready, add the script to EC2 instance user data to install Breeze agent.

Replace the presigned URL in the script samples below by the one you generated and insert it into the User data section when launching the instance.



URL='<presigned URL to agent installer in your S3 bucket>'

# download agent installer
curl $URL -o /tmp/breeze-agent.tgz

# unpack agent installer
sudo tar -xf /tmp/breeze-agent.tgz -C /tmp

# install agent
sudo /tmp/breeze-agent/


function New-TemporaryDirectory {
  $parent = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()
  [string]$name = [System.Guid]::NewGuid()
  New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path (Join-Path $parent $name)

$url = "<presigned URL to agent installer in your S3 bucket>"
$tmp_dir = New-TemporaryDirectory
$agent_sfx = "$tmp_dir\breeze-agent.exe"

# download agent installer
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($url, $agent_sfx)

# install agent
Start-Process $agent_sfx -ArgumentList '-gm2' -NoNewWindow -Wait

# clean up
Remove-Item "$tmp_dir" -recurse

Windows must have PowerShell preinstalled. This script will work for all Windows Server versions starting 2012 R2 and newer.

Windows must have PowerShell preinstalled. This script will work for all Windows Server versions starting 2012 R2 and newer.

AWS Systems Manager Distributor

You can install Breeze agent on AWS EC2 instances using AWS Systems Manager Distributor.


Create a package with Breeze agent. The distributor will publish this package to System Manager managed instances. Then the agent can be installed or uninstalled:


The distributor package consists of a manifest and two .zip archive files for Windows and Linux platforms. Each archive contains install and uninstall scripts, as well as Breeze agent distro respectively to the platform. The manifest template and scripts can be obtained from Github repository.

In the file manifest.json find the field "version" and change its value to a meaningful one. This is also the value of Version name that should be specified when the package is added to the Distributor (it becomes part of the AWS Systems Manager document). A version value can contain letters, numbers, underscores, hyphens, and periods, and be from 3 to 128 characters in length. It is recommended to use a human-readable value.

Preparing package files

A Linux archive named should contain the following files:, and agent.XXX.YY.Z.x86_64.linux.tgz (the Linux Breeze agent distro as it was downloaded from Cloudaware CMDB).

A Windows archive named should contain the following files: install.ps1, uninstall.ps1 and (the Windows Breeze agent distro as it was downloaded from Cloudaware CMDB).

Ensure that the script files have correct lines breaks, namely LF (\n == 0x0A) on Linux and CRLF (\r\n == 0x0D 0x0A) on Windows.

A sha256 checksum should be specified for each archive file mentioned in the manifest. In order to calculate it, use the following commands:


shasum -a 256


openssl dgst -sha256

Windows (use PowerShell):

Get-FileHash -Path

In the manifest.json find the section files and replace ARCHIVE_CHECKSUM placeholders with the calculated checksums.

Distributor package

Create an Advanced package in AWS Systems Manager as described in AWS documentation.


To install Breeze agent via SCCM, we recommend using PowerShell script that will download the agent installer to a target machine and install it.

Download the Breeze agent installer to any location where it can be downloaded by the target machine. In our example, we will use a shared folder with permission for account that set as Client Push Installation account for SCCM Site.

1. Create a new script in Software Library using the sample below.

2. Change the $url variable to your Breeze agent installer location.

3. Make sure that target systems have access to the installer's location.

4. Run the script on system or group to install Breeze agent.

Script sample:

function New-TemporaryDirectory {
  $parent = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()
  [string]$name = [System.Guid]::NewGuid()
  New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path (Join-Path $parent $name)

$url = "\\\d\breeze-agent.exe"
$tmp_dir = New-TemporaryDirectory
$agent_sfx = "$tmp_dir\breeze-agent.exe"

# download agent installer
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($url, $agent_sfx)

# install agent
Start-Process $agent_sfx -ArgumentList '-gm2' -NoNewWindow -Wait

# clean up
Remove-Item "$tmp_dir" -recurse


1. Clone the public-utilities repo to your server:

git clone

2. Put your Breeze agent installer files to the public-utilities/chef-modules/breeze-agent/files directory. Ensure the files are named breeze-agent-linux.tgz and breeze-agent-windows.exe.

3. Copy Breeze agent cookbook to your cookbook directory and upload it to the server:

cp -r public-utilities/chef-modules/breeze-agent ~/cookbooks/
knife cookbook upload breeze-agent

4. Create the breeze-agent role:

export EDITOR=vim #any other editor can be selected, like nano for instance
knife role create breeze-agent

Replace everything with the following in the editor, and save:

  "name": "breeze-agent",
  "description": "",
  "json_class": "Chef::Role",
  "default_attributes": {},
  "override_attributes": {},
  "chef_type": "role",
  "run_list": [ "recipe[breeze-agent]" ],
  "env_run_lists": {}

5. Add the role to the nodes in question or to all nodes using your web interface or the following command:

knife node run_list add $NODE_NAME 'role[breeze-agent]' #Where $NODE_NAME is the name of the actual node

To add the role to all nodes, run:

for node in `knife node list`;do knife node run_list add $node 'role[breeze-agent]';done;

Please allow some time for the next chef-client to apply changes on the nodes.


1. Put the Puppet module folder to the /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/.

2. Put Breeze agent installer files to the /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/breeze_agent/files directory.

3. Attach breeze_agent class to the necessary group in the Puppet Dashboard.

4. Add the required variables breeze_package_linux and breeze_package_windows.


1. Put Breeze agent installer files to the files directory.

2. Specify the installer file name and hosts in breeze_agent_linux.yml and breeze_agent_windows.yml

- hosts: linux
    linux_agent: linux-breeze-agent.tgz

Installation via Azure VM extension (Run Command)

Check Navigation to get the agent installer file. Right click the file to select 'Save Link As'. Save the link*.


*The saved link should be of the following format: breeze-agent.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.cloudaware.20200922.0.x86_64.linux.tgz (for Linux) or (for Windows). Please note that the copied installer link is valid for one hour only.

*The saved link should be of the following format: breeze-agent.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.cloudaware.20200922.0.x86_64.linux.tgz (for Linux) or (for Windows). Please note that the copied installer link is valid for one hour only.

Save the installer file in secure location. Ensure the VM can route to that endpoint via HTTP protocol (for example, Azure Storage or an internal file server).


1. Create URL for accessing the agent (in case of Azure Storage, the URL has the following format:

2. Replace AGENT_DISTRO_URL placeholder in AGENT_URL= in the script below with the resulting URL:

function echo_error {
  echo $@
  exit 1
BIN_CURL=$(which curl 2>/dev/null | grep -v 'not found')
BIN_WGET=$(which wget 2>/dev/null | grep -v 'not found')
if [ -n "${BIN_CURL}" ]; then
  CMD_DL="$BIN_CURL -o agent.tgz $AGENT_URL 2>/dev/null || echo_error \"download failed (curl)\""
elif [ -n "${BIN_WGET}" ]; then
  CMD_DL="$BIN_WGET -O agent.tgz $AGENT_URL 2>/dev/null || echo_error \"download failed (wget)\""
  echo_error "neither curl nor wget was found"
echo "Downloading..."
DIR_TMP=`mktemp -d`
eval "$CMD_DL"
echo "Installing..."
tar xf agent.tgz
cd breeze-agent
sudo ./ > /dev/null
rm -fR $DIR_TMP
echo "Done"

3. Log in to Microsoft Azure Portal and select the VM in question. Select Operations → 'Run command' on the left.

4. Select RunShellScript, paste the resulting script from p.2 in the pop-up window on the right. Click Run.

5. Ensure the response has the following format:

Enable succeeded: 



1. Create URL for accessing the agent (in case of Azure Storage, the URL has the following format:

2. Replace AGENT_DISTRO_URL placeholder in $url = in the script below with the resulting URL:

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol += [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
function Exit-WithError($e, $c) { Write-Host "Error:" $(If ($e.Exception.InnerException) {$e.Exception.InnerException.Message} Else {$e.Exception.Message}); Exit $c }
Write-Host "Downloading..."
$dir_tmp = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path ([IO.Path]::Combine([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath(), [System.Guid]::NewGuid()))
$agent_distro = "$dir_tmp\agent.exe"
try { (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($url, $agent_distro) } catch [System.Net.WebException] { Exit-WithError $_ 1 }
Write-Host "Installing..."
try { Start-Process $agent_distro -ArgumentList '-gm2' -NoNewWindow -Wait } catch { Exit-WithError $_ 2 }
Remove-Item $dir_tmp -Recurse -Force
Write-Host "Done"

More about running scripts on Azure VM here

Installation to Microsoft Intune

1. Install a Breeze agent on a Windows device (as described here)

2. In the file C:\Program Files\Breeze\etc\tags write preferred.descriptor=intune
This step is also applicable if the Breeze agent has already been installed on the device.

3. When creating a new web interface deployment, Intune requires an uninstall script. The Breeze uninstall script is shipped as a part of Windows Breeze Installer. When prompted for a path to the uninstall script, specify C:\Program Files\Breeze\uninstall.bat

Installation on VM managed by vCenter (deprecated)

Check Navigation to get the agent installer file.

Since VM ID cannot be used as a unique identifier across multiple vCenter Servers, you should perform additional configuration when installing Breeze on vCenter VMs. Once the agent is installed:

1. Create a file etc/tags in the Breeze agent's directory:

Linux: /opt/breeze-agent/etc/tags

Windows: C:\Program Files\Breeze\etc\tags

2. Add the following key-value pair lines:



vmware.vmid - moRef ID (vm-123456 is a placeholder)

vmware.service.uuid - instanceUuid from the API call described here (1111-22-33-44-555555 is a placeholder)

Proxy support

To add the proxy support to Breeze agent, edit the startup script:


Open the file /opt/breeze-agent/

Add the next line before the string ruby ./app.rb:

export http_proxy=""

ruby ./app.rb # this line already exist in file


Open the file C:\Program Files\Breeze\app.bat

Add the next line before the string ruby app.rb:

set http_proxy=

ruby app.rb >> agent.log 2>&1