

CyberArk is the privileged access management solution providing security offering for any identity – human or machine – across business applications, distributed workforces, hybrid cloud workloads and throughout the DevOps lifecycle. This guide explains how to add CyberArk integration to Cloudaware.

CyberArk - CA_logo_black.png To see how Cloudaware seamlessly integrates with CyberArk in action, request a demo.



Ensure you have sufficient permissions to access your CyberArk environment, preferably admin access.

Add CyberArk server


  1. Log in to Cloudaware account → Admin.

    CyberArk - admin.png

  1. Find CyberArk in the list of cloud integrations. Click +Add.

    CyberArk - admin - add CyberArk integration.png

  2. Fill out the form:

    Server URL - insert the link to CyberArk server (e.g. https://companyname.privilegecloud.cyberark.com)
    Username - insert the username
    Password - insert the password
    Trust Certificate - check this check box if DNS name is different

    Click CheckSave.

  3. The green light in 'Status' means that CyberArk integration has been successfully configured. If there is a red light, please contact support@cloudaware.com.

  4. To view CyberArk-related data, go to Cloudaware CMDB Navigator. Select CYBERARK in the menu on the left:

List of CyberArk objects


Cloudaware supports the following CyberArk objects at the moment:

Cyberark Account
Cyberark Account Group
Cyberark Account Group Account Link
Cyberark Account Group Safe Link
Cyberark Account Safe Link
Cyberark Application
Cyberark Platform
Cyberark Request
Cyberark Request Confirmer Group Link
Cyberark Request Confirmer User Link
Cyberark Safe
Cyberark Server
Cyberark User
Cyberark User Group
Cyberark User Group User Link