Create List Views

Create List Views

Use the Cloudaware list view builder to customize existing default list views or create a new one from scratch.




Select the resource in question (e.g. AWS Accounts) in CMDB Navigator to open available list views:


Standard List Views

Standard pre-built list views are available under the section DEFAULT VIEWS. Standard list views are not editable.

Select any standard list view and click the arrow sign → Clone & Edit View to copy and save it as a custom one.

Custom List Views

CUSTOM VIEWS is a place for your custom list views. Сopy a standard list view by clicking the arrow sign → Clone & Edit View to edit and customize it, OR click + to start creating a custom list view from scratch.

Change filters, add or remove columns. Click Preview to preview results and make sure that all necessary fields have been added. Click Clone View to save the cloned list view.

Access Restriction

The toggle 'Private List View' is set on by default for each list view created from scratch (in the section CUSTOM VIEWS). Switch it off to let other users see the list view you created.

Customers can control access to public list views creation in their Cloudaware account. By default, users with CloudAware Administrator and CloudAware Collector Only, or a user with custom permission listViewEditor can create public list views visible to all users in the organization. The rest are able to create private list views only.

Filter Criteria

Click +ADD FILTER to add a new filter criteria.


A filter criteria consists of a field name, a logical operator and a value. Select a field name from the drop-down list or type the name in the search bar:

Some fields have a list of related fields to drill down into (use > to select a related field):



Click 'home' sign to go back to the general list of fields.


Based on the objects relationship, you can filter your search results by fields of a parent object:

Example: Here we refer to AWS Account which is a master object for AWS EC2 Instance, and retrieve its related field 'Account Name'. Setting up a certain value or criteria, we can narrow the search scope, i.e. AWS accounts containing test in their names will be excluded. Having added the field 'State Name' along with the operator 'equals' and the value set up as running, we managed the search to display all running instances only.

Field Type

Select 'Standard' to see the list of all fields, except JSON fields.

Select 'JSON field' type to filter the fields containing JSON data, pick the one under question and click Apply. You can also use JSONPath expressions in the box 'Field JSON Path' to focus your search.


JSONPath expressions start with $ and can contain the dot- (a) or the bracket-notation (b) for input paths:

a) $.Fieldname[0].Fieldname

b) $["fieldname"]["fieldname"][0]["fieldname"] - where [0] is the number of an element in the array.

The element number can be replaced by the wildcard symbol * to refer to all elements: $[“Fieldname with whitespaces”][*]

Logical Operators



Use for an exact match

not equal 

Use for an exact match with a certain value excluded

greater than

Use when you want results that exceed the value you enter

greater or equal

Use for results that match or exceed the value you enter

less than

Use for results that are less than the value you enter

less or equal

Use for results that match or are less than the value you entered


Use for fields that include your search string

not contains

Use to eliminate records that don’t contain the value you enter


Use to locate records that include the exact value you enter or type % to include a certain part of the value entered,

e.g. `Account`.`Account Name` like test will search for all account names containing test

not like

Use to locate records that exclude the exact value you enter or type % to exclude a certain part of the value entered,  

e.g. `Instance Name or ID` not like %environ% will search for all instance names and IDs, except the ones containing -environ-

starts with

Use for results that start with a certain value


Grouping Filters

You can combine several conditions within one group of filters. Select the condition operator AND (all of conditions are true) or OR (any of conditions are true):


Click Create group to create a group of filters and move a selected filter into it. Such a grouping allows you to add a new condition as well.


Click Extract from group to exclude a filter from the group of filters under question, reverting Move to group action:

Using groups of filters and condition operators AND/OR, you can set up complex conditions in the section 'Filter Criteria':

Pay attention to the check box Invert group: if checked, it inputs a negation to the meaning of all filters in the group.

Example: In this example, we initiate a search for all instances that are present in AWS and running, but we also want to exclude the instances containing test and dev in their names. Instead of looking for appropriate operators with a negative value for each filter criteria, we simply group the required filters and apply negation to the whole filter group.


Columns To Display

You can manage the columns which will be displayed in the list. Click +ADD COLUMN to add columns.

Click the 'label' icon to change a column name (in a resulting list view):


Select the sorting order for assets in a column: ASC for ascending or DESC for descending.

Sorting Order Of Columns

Hover over triple dots on the left and drag a column up or down to manage the order of columns in the list:


Inline Editing


This feature is available for custom fields on all Cloudaware objects. Edit fields right from the object list views and from object detail page.

Multi-record editing from List Views is also available for custom fields on all objects.