Breeze 3.0 - Installation

Breeze 3.0 - Installation


The Cloudaware Breeze Agent has been designed with a focus on self-updating and self-healing, enabling seamless management of updates and re-installations on the backend. The latest Breeze installer consistently includes the most current version of the agent. However, even if an older installer is used for deployment, the Breeze Agent will automatically update itself to the latest version upon connecting to the Breeze server.


To get the Breeze Agent v3.0 installer file:

1. Log in to Cloudaware account → Admin.

Breeze 3.0 - admin.png

2. Find Breeze in the list of DevOps integrations. Click 1 Configured.

Breeze 3.0 - admin - 1 configured.png

3. Select the file marked with latest based on OS.

Breeze 3.0 - Breeze integrations - versions.png


Linux and macOS


  1. Download the agent installer to the temporary directory.

  2. Unpack the archive:

    tar xvzf breeze-*.tgz
  3. Enter the unpacked directory:

    cd breeze
  4. Run the installation script:

    sudo ./install.sh



  1. Download the agent installer.

  2. Run the installer executable file:
