Cloudaware-ServiceNow: AWS Resources

Key ServiceNow documents used in this Gap Analysis:

  1. List of AWS Objects ServiceNow discovers out-of-the-box.

  2. List of AWS Objects ServiceNow discovers using ITOM Patterns Plugin.

AWS Objects Cloudaware Discovers

AWS Objects ServiceNow Discovers

AWS Account


AWS Account Availability Zone


AWS Account Limits


AWS Account Region


AWS ACM Certificate


AWS ACM Certificate Domain Validation


AWS ACM Certificate Resource Link




AWS API Gateway API Endpoint Link


AWS API Gateway API Key


AWS API Gateway Authorizer


AWS API Gateway Client Certificate


AWS API Gateway Deployment


AWS API Gateway Documentation Part


AWS API Gateway Domain Endpoint Link


AWS API Gateway Domain Name


AWS API Gateway Integration


AWS API Gateway Method


AWS API Gateway Model


AWS API Gateway Resource


AWS API Gateway Route


AWS API Gateway Stage


AWS API Gateway Usage Plan


AWS API Gateway Usage Plan Key


AWS API Gateway VPC Link


AWS API Gateway VPC Link NLB Link


AWS API Gateway VPC Link SG Link


AWS API Gateway VPC Link Subnet Link


AWS App AutoScaling Scalable Target


AWS App AutoScaling Scaling Policy


AWS App AutoScaling Scaling Policy Alarm


AWS App AutoScaling Scheduled Action


AWS App Mesh


AWS App Mesh Route


AWS App Mesh Route Target


AWS App Mesh Virtual Node


AWS App Mesh Virtual Router


AWS App Mesh Virtual Service


AWS AppStream Fleet


AWS AppStream Fleet Security Group Link


AWS AppStream Fleet Subnet Link


AWS AppStream Image


AWS AppStream Image Application


AWS AppStream Image Builder


AWS AppStream Image Builder Error


AWS AppStream Image Builder SG Link


AWS AppStream Image Builder Subnet Link


AWS AppStream Stack


AWS AppStream Stack Storage Connector


AWS Athena Named Query


AWS Athena Work Group


AWS AutoScaling Scaling Instruction


AWS AutoScaling Scaling Plan


AWS AutoScaling Scaling Plan Resource


AWS AutoScaling Scaling Policy


AWS AutoScaling Target Tracking Config


AWS Availability Zone


AWS Backup Backup Plan


AWS Backup Backup Plan Version


AWS Backup Backup Rule


AWS Backup Backup Rule Copy Action


AWS Backup Backup Selection


AWS Backup Backup Selection Tag


AWS Backup Backup Vault


AWS Backup Job


AWS Backup Recovery Point


AWS Backup Selection Resource Link


AWS Batch Compute Environment


AWS Batch Job


AWS Batch Job Definition


AWS Batch Job Queue


AWS Budget


AWS Budget Notification


AWS Budget Period


AWS CloudFormation Stack


AWS CloudFormation Stack Resource (New)


AWS CloudFormation Stack Set


AWS CloudFormation Stack Set Instance


AWS CloudFormation Stack Set Operation


AWS CloudFront Cache Behavior


AWS CloudFront Content Type Profile


AWS CloudFront Custom Error Response


AWS CloudFront Distribution


AWS CloudFront Encryption Entity


AWS CloudFront FieldLevelEncrypt Config


AWS CloudFront FieldLevelEncrypt Profile


AWS CloudFront Lambda Func Association


AWS CloudFront Origin


AWS CloudFront Origin Access Identity


AWS CloudFront Public Key


AWS CloudFront Query Arg Profile


AWS CloudFront Signer


AWS CloudHSM Backup


AWS CloudHSM Cluster


AWS CloudHSM Cluster Subnet Link




AWS CloudMap Instance


AWS CloudMap Namespace


AWS CloudMap Service


AWS CloudSearch Analysis Scheme


AWS CloudSearch Domain


AWS CloudSearch Expression


AWS CloudSearch Index Field


AWS CloudSearch Suggester


AWS CloudTrail Trail


AWS CloudWatch Events Event Bus


AWS CloudWatch Events Rule


AWS CloudWatch Events Target


AWS CloudWatch Logs Log Group


AWS CloudWatch Logs Metric Filter


AWS CloudWatch Logs Subscription Filter


AWS CloudWatch Metric Alarm


AWS CloudWatch Metric Alarm Action


AWS CodeBuild Build


AWS CodeBuild Project


AWS CodeCommit Branch


AWS CodeCommit Repository


AWS CodeCommit Repository Trigger


AWS CodeDeploy Application


AWS CodeDeploy Application Revision


AWS CodeDeploy Deployment


AWS CodeDeploy Deployment Configuration


AWS CodeDeploy Deployment Group


AWS CodeDeploy Deployment Target


AWS CodeDeploy On-Premises Instance


AWS CodePipeline Action


AWS CodePipeline Pipeline


AWS CodePipeline Pipeline Execution


AWS CodePipeline Stage


AWS CodeStar Project


AWS CodeStar Resource


AWS CodeStar Team Member


AWS CodeStar User Profile


AWS Config Delivery Channel


AWS Config Recorder


AWS Config Rule


AWS Config Rule Resource Compliance


AWS CostExplorer Reservation Coverage


AWS CostExplorer Reservation Utilization


AWS CostExplorer SavingsPlan Utilization


AWS Data Pipeline Pipeline


AWS DAX Cluster


AWS DAX Cluster EC2 Security Group Link




AWS DAX Subnet Group


AWS DAX Subnet Group EC2 Subnet Link


AWS Direct Connect Connection


AWS Direct Connect Location


AWS Direct Connect Virtual Interface


AWS Directory


AWS Directory Conditional Forwarder


AWS Directory Event Topic


AWS Directory IP Route


AWS Directory Limits


AWS Directory Schema Extension


AWS Directory Snapshot


AWS Directory Trust


AWS DMS Certificate


AWS DMS Connection


AWS DMS Endpoint


AWS DMS Migration Task


AWS DMS Replication Instance


AWS DMS Replication Instance SG Link


AWS DMS Subnet Group


AWS DMS Subnet Group Subnet Link


AWS DynamoDB Backup


AWS DynamoDB Global Secondary Index


AWS DynamoDB Global Table


AWS DynamoDB Global Table Table Link


AWS DynamoDB Local Secondary Index


AWS DynamoDB Stream


AWS DynamoDB Stream Shard


AWS DynamoDB Table


AWS EBS Snapshot


AWS EBS Volume



AWS EBS Volume Status Event


AWS EC2 Attack Surface Row


AWS EC2 Auto Scaling Group


AWS EC2 Auto Scaling Group ELB Link


AWS EC2 Auto Scaling Group ELB TG Link


AWS EC2 Auto Scaling Group Instance Link


AWS EC2 Auto Scaling Lifecycle Hook


AWS EC2 Auto Scaling Notification


AWS EC2 Auto Scaling Policy


AWS EC2 Auto Scaling Scheduled Action


AWS EC2 Capacity Reservation


AWS EC2 DHCP Options


AWS EC2 Elastic IP


AWS EC2 Image


AWS EC2 Image Snapshot Link


AWS EC2 Instance


AWS EC2 Instance Fact


AWS EC2 Instance Mount Point


AWS EC2 Instance SG Link


AWS EC2 Instance SSL Certificate


AWS EC2 Instance Status Event


AWS EC2 Instance Volume Link


AWS EC2 Key Pair


AWS EC2 Launch Configuration


AWS EC2 Launch Configuration SG Link


AWS EC2 Launch Template


AWS EC2 Launch Template License Link


AWS EC2 Launch Template SG Link


AWS EC2 Launch Template Version


AWS EC2 Network Interface

Interfaces cmdb_ci_nic

AWS EC2 Network Interface Private IP


AWS EC2 Network Interface SG Link


AWS EC2 Placement Group


AWS EC2 Reserved Instances


AWS EC2 Security Group


AWS EC2 Security Group Rule


AWS EC2 Spot Fleet Req ELB Link


AWS EC2 Spot Fleet Req ELB TG Link


AWS EC2 Spot Fleet Req Launch Tpl Link


AWS EC2 Spot Fleet Request


AWS EC2 Spot Instance Request


AWS EC2 Spot Instance Request SG Link




AWS ECR Repository


AWS ECS Cluster


AWS ECS Container


AWS ECS Container Definition


AWS ECS Container Instance


AWS ECS Container Override


AWS ECS Service


AWS ECS Service Deployment


AWS ECS Service Deployment SG Link


AWS ECS Service Deployment Subnet Link


AWS ECS Service ELB Target Group Link


AWS ECS Service Load Balancer Link


AWS ECS Service SG Link


AWS ECS Service Subnet Link




AWS ECS Task Definition


AWS ECS Task Set


AWS ECS Task Set Load Balancer Link


AWS ECS Task Set SG Link


AWS ECS Task Set Subnet Link


AWS EFS File System


AWS EFS Mount Target


AWS EFS Mount Target SG Link


AWS EKS Cluster


AWS EKS Cluster Config Map


AWS EKS Cluster Daemon Set


AWS EKS Cluster Deployment


AWS EKS Cluster Endpoint


AWS EKS Cluster Fargate Profile


AWS EKS Cluster Fargate Profile Subnet




AWS EKS Cluster Ingress


AWS EKS Cluster Limit Range


AWS EKS Cluster Namespace


AWS EKS Cluster Network Policy


AWS EKS Cluster Network Policy Rule


AWS EKS Cluster Node


AWS EKS Cluster Node Address


AWS EKS Cluster Node Condition


AWS EKS Cluster Node Group


AWS EKS Cluster Node Group Subnet Link


AWS EKS Cluster Pod


AWS EKS Cluster Pod Container


AWS EKS Cluster Pod Disruption Budget


AWS EKS Cluster Replica Set


AWS EKS Cluster Resource Quota


AWS EKS Cluster Role


AWS EKS Cluster Role Binding


AWS EKS Cluster Secret


AWS EKS Cluster Security Group Link


AWS EKS Cluster Service


AWS EKS Cluster Service Account


AWS EKS Cluster Service Account Secret


AWS EKS Cluster Stateful Set


AWS EKS Cluster Subnet Link


AWS Elastic Beanstalk Application


AWS Elastic Beanstalk Application Templ.


AWS Elastic Beanstalk Application Ver.


AWS Elastic Beanstalk Configuration Set.


AWS Elastic Beanstalk Environment


AWS Elastic Beanstalk Environment Res.


AWS Elastic Beanstalk Event


AWS Elastic Beanstalk Platform


AWS Elastic Beanstalk Platform Cust. Img


AWS Elastic Beanstalk Solution Stack


AWS Elastic Transcoder Job


AWS Elastic Transcoder Pipeline


AWS ElastiCache Cluster


AWS ElastiCache Cluster Snapshot


AWS ElastiCache Cluster VPC SG Link


AWS ElastiCache Event


AWS ElastiCache Node


AWS ElastiCache Node Group


AWS ElastiCache Node Snapshot


AWS ElastiCache Parameter Group


AWS ElastiCache Replication Group


AWS ElastiCache Reserved Node


AWS ElastiCache Security Group


AWS ElastiCache Service Update


AWS ElastiCache Subnet


AWS ElastiCache Subnet Group


AWS ElastiCache Update Action


AWS Elasticsearch Domain


AWS Elasticsearch Domain SG Link


AWS Elasticsearch Domain Subnet Link


AWS Elasticsearch Reserved Instance


AWS ELB Load Balancer


AWS ELB Load Balancer Listener


AWS ELB Load Balancer Listener Rule


AWS ELB Load Balancer Policy


AWS ELB Load Balancer SG Link


AWS ELB Load Balancer SSL Certificate


AWS ELB Load Balancer Subnet Link


AWS ELB Load Balancer Target Group


AWS ELB Load Balancer Target Group Link


AWS ELB Load Balancer Target Link


AWS EMR Application


AWS EMR Cluster


AWS EMR Cluster Additional SG


AWS EMR Command


AWS EMR Instance


AWS EMR Instance EBS Volume Link


AWS EMR Instance Fleet


AWS EMR Instance Group


AWS EMR Instance Group Scaling Rule


AWS EMR Instance Type Specification


AWS EMR Security Configuration


AWS FSx Backup


AWS FSx File System


AWS FSx File System Subnet Link


AWS FSx FS Network Interface Link


AWS Glacier Vault


AWS GlobalAccelerator Accelerator


AWS GlobalAccelerator BYOIP CIDR


AWS GlobalAccelerator Endpoint


AWS GlobalAccelerator Endpoint Group


AWS GlobalAccelerator IP Set


AWS GlobalAccelerator Listener


AWS Glue Classifier


AWS Glue Connection


AWS Glue Connection Security Group Link


AWS Glue Crawler


AWS Glue Crawler Classifier Link


AWS Glue Database


AWS Glue Development Endpoint


AWS Glue Development Endpoint SG Link


AWS Glue Job


AWS Glue ML Task Run


AWS Glue ML Transform


AWS Glue Security Configuration


AWS Glue Table


AWS Glue Trigger


AWS GuardDuty Detector


AWS GuardDuty Finding


AWS GuardDuty IP List


AWS GuardDuty Member


AWS IAM Access Key




AWS IAM Group Policy


AWS IAM Group Policy Attachment


AWS IAM Instance Profile


AWS IAM OpenID Connect Provider


AWS IAM Password Policy


AWS IAM Policy


AWS IAM Policy Version




AWS IAM Role Policy


AWS IAM Role Policy Attachment




AWS IAM Server Certificate


AWS IAM Signing Certificate


AWS IAM SSH Public Key




AWS IAM User Group Link


AWS IAM User Policy


AWS IAM User Policy Attachment


AWS IoT Certificate


AWS IoT Policy


AWS IoT Policy Principle


AWS IoT Rule


AWS IoT Thing


AWS IoT Thing Principle


AWS IoT Thing Type


AWS Kinesis Analytics Application


AWS Kinesis Firehose Delivery Stream


AWS Kinesis Firehose Destination


AWS Kinesis Stream








AWS KMS Key Policy


AWS Lambda Alias


AWS Lambda Event Source


AWS Lambda Function


AWS Lambda Function Security Group Link


AWS Lambda Function Subnet Link


AWS Lambda Function Version


AWS License Manager Association


AWS License Manager License Config


AWS License Manager Service Settings


AWS License Manager Usage


AWS Lightsail Disk


AWS Lightsail Disk Snapshot


AWS Lightsail DNS Zone


AWS Lightsail Instance


AWS Lightsail Instance LoadBalancer Link


AWS Lightsail Instance Snapshot


AWS Lightsail Load Balancer


AWS Lightsail Static IP Address


AWS Managed Blockchain Invitation


AWS Managed Blockchain Member


AWS Managed Blockchain Network


AWS Managed Blockchain Node


AWS Managed Blockchain Proposal


AWS MediaConnect Entitlement


AWS MediaConnect Flow


AWS MediaConnect Flow Entitlement Link


AWS MediaConnect Flow Output


AWS MediaConnect Flow Source


AWS MediaConvert Endpoint


AWS MediaConvert Queue


AWS MediaLive Channel


AWS MediaLive Channel Destination


AWS MediaLive Channel Input Attachment


AWS MediaLive Channel Schedule


AWS MediaLive Input


AWS MediaLive Input Destination


AWS MediaLive Input Security Group


AWS MediaLive Input Security Group Link


AWS MediaLive Input Source


AWS MediaLive Reservation


AWS MediaPackage Channel


AWS MediaPackage Channel Input Endpoint


AWS MediaPackage Origin Endpoint


AWS MediaPackage VOD Asset


AWS MediaPackage VOD Packaging Config


AWS MediaPackage VOD Packaging Group


AWS MediaStore Container


AWS MediaStore Container CORS Rule


AWS MediaTailor Playback Configuration


AWS MedLive Chan Dest MedPack Chan Link


AWS MQ Broker


AWS MQ Broker Pending SG Link


AWS MQ Broker Security Group Link


AWS MQ Broker Subnet Link


AWS MQ Broker User


AWS MQ Configuration


AWS MQ Configuration Revision


AWS MSK Cluster


AWS MSK Cluster Security Group Link


AWS MSK Cluster Subnet Link


AWS MSK Configuration


AWS MSK Configuration Revision




AWS OpsWorks App


AWS OpsWorks Instance


AWS OpsWorks Instance Layer Link


AWS OpsWorks Layer


AWS OpsWorks Permission


AWS OpsWorks Resource


AWS OpsWorks Stack


AWS OpsWorks User Profile


AWS Organization


AWS Organization Account


AWS Organization Policy


AWS Organization Policy Account Link


AWS Organization Policy Root Link


AWS Organization Root


AWS Organizational Unit


AWS Organizational Unit Policy Link


AWS RDS Cluster


AWS RDS Cluster Backtrack


AWS RDS Cluster Parameter Group


AWS RDS Cluster Snapshot


AWS RDS Cluster VPC SG Link




AWS RDS Event Subscription


AWS RDS Instance


AWS RDS Instance Parameter Group Link


AWS RDS Instance SG Link (Classic)


AWS RDS Instance SG Link (VPC)


AWS RDS Option Group


AWS RDS Option Group Option


AWS RDS Parameter


AWS RDS Parameter Group


AWS RDS Reserved Instance


AWS RDS Security Group (Classic)


AWS RDS Security Group Rule (Classic)


AWS RDS Snapshot


AWS RDS Subnet Group


AWS RDS Subnet Group Subnet Link


AWS Redshift Cluster


AWS Redshift Cluster Parameter


AWS Redshift Cluster Parameter Group


AWS Redshift Cluster Role Link


AWS Redshift Cluster SG (Classic)


AWS Redshift Cluster SG Link (Classic)


AWS Redshift Cluster SG Link (VPC)


AWS Redshift Cluster Subnet Group


AWS Redshift Event


AWS Redshift Event Subscription


AWS Redshift Reserved Node


AWS Redshift Snapshot


AWS Redshift Subnet Group Subnet Link


AWS Region


AWS Rekognition Collection


AWS Rekognition Face


AWS Rekognition Project


AWS Rekognition Project Version


AWS Rekognition Stream Processor


AWS Route53 Domain


AWS Route53 Health Check


AWS Route53 Hosted Zone


AWS Route53 Operation


AWS Route53 Resource Record Set


AWS Route53 Traffic Policy


AWS Route53 Traffic Policy Record


AWS Route53 Traffic Policy Version


AWS S3 Access Point


AWS S3 Bucket


AWS SageMaker Algorithm


AWS SageMaker Algorithm Valid Profile


AWS SageMaker App


AWS SageMaker Auto ML Job


AWS SageMaker Auto ML Job SG LInk


AWS SageMaker Auto ML Job Subnet Link


AWS SageMaker Code Repository


AWS SageMaker Compilation Job


AWS SageMaker Domain


AWS SageMaker Domain Def User SG Link


AWS SageMaker Domain Subnet Link


AWS SageMaker Endpoint


AWS SageMaker Endpoint Config


AWS SageMaker Experiment


AWS SageMaker Flow Definition


AWS SageMaker Human Task UI


AWS SageMaker HyperParameter Tuning Job


AWS SageMaker Labeling Job


AWS SageMaker Model


AWS SageMaker Model Package


AWS SageMaker Model SG Link


AWS SageMaker Model Subnet Link


AWS SageMaker Notebook Instance


AWS SageMaker Notebook Instance SG Link


AWS SageMaker Proc Job Subnet Link


AWS SageMaker Processing Job


AWS SageMaker Processing Job SG Link


AWS SageMaker Training Job


AWS SageMaker Training Job SG Link


AWS SageMaker Training Job Subnet Link


AWS SageMaker Transform Job


AWS SageMaker Trial


AWS SageMaker Trial Component


AWS SageMaker User Profile


AWS SageMaker User Profile SG Link


AWS SageMaker Workforce


AWS SageMaker Workteam


AWS Savings Plans Savings Plan


AWS Secrets Manager Secret


AWS Secrets Manager Secret Version


AWS Service Catalog Portfolio


AWS Service Catalog Portfolio Constraint


AWS Service Catalog Portfolio Principal


AWS Service Catalog Product


AWS Service Catalog Product Portf Link


AWS Service Catalog Product Version


AWS SES Configuration Set


AWS SES Custom Verify Email Template


AWS SES Identity


AWS SES Policy


AWS SES Receipt Filter


AWS SES Receipt Rule


AWS SES Receipt Rule Set


AWS SES Sending Statistic


AWS SES Template


AWS Shield Attack


AWS Shield Attack Vector


AWS Shield Counter


AWS Shield Protection


AWS Shield SubResource


AWS Snowball Address


AWS Snowball Cluster


AWS Snowball Job


AWS SNS Subscription






AWS SSM Hybrid Activation


AWS SSM Maintenance Window


AWS SSM Maintenance Window Target


AWS SSM Maintenance Window Task


AWS SSM Ops Item


AWS SSM Ops Item Topic Link


AWS SSM Parameter


AWS SSM Window Target Instance Link


AWS SSM Window Task Target Link


AWS Step Functions Activity


AWS Step Functions State Machine


AWS Storage Gateway


AWS Storage Gateway File Share


AWS Storage Gateway Local Disk


AWS Storage Gateway Tape


AWS Storage Gateway Tape Archive


AWS Storage Gateway Volume


AWS Storage Gateway VTL Device


AWS Tape Recovery Point


AWS Volume Recovery Point




AWS VPC Attachment


AWS VPC Customer Gateway


AWS VPC Egress Only Internet Gateway


AWS VPC Endpoint


AWS VPC Endpoint Connection Notification


AWS VPC Endpoint Security Group Link


AWS VPC Endpoint Service


AWS VPC Endpoint Service Net ELB Link


AWS VPC Endpoint Service Permission


AWS VPC Endpoint Subnet Link


AWS VPC Flow Log


AWS VPC Instance Classic Link


AWS VPC Internet Gateway


AWS VPC Internet Gateway Attachment


AWS VPC IPsec Tunnel


AWS VPC Managed Prefix List




AWS VPC NAT Gateway Address




AWS VPC Network ACL Association


AWS VPC Network ACL Entry


AWS VPC Peering Connection




AWS VPC Route Table


AWS VPC Route Table Association


AWS VPC Static Route


AWS VPC Subnet


AWS VPC TG Attachment Subnet Link


AWS VPC TG Prefix List Reference


AWS VPC TG Route Table Association


AWS VPC TG Route Table Propagation


AWS VPC Transit Gateway


AWS VPC Transit Gateway Attachment


AWS VPC Transit Gateway Route Table


AWS VPC Virtual Private Gateway


AWS VPC VPN Connection


AWS VPC VPN Gateway Telemetry


AWS WAF Condition


AWS WAF Filter




AWS WAF Rule Predicate




AWS WAF Web ACL Activated Rule


AWS WAF Web ACL Resource Link


AWS WorkSpace


AWS WorkSpaces Bundle


AWS WorkSpaces Directory


AWS WorkSpaces IP Access Control Group


AWS X-Ray Encryption Config


AWS X-Ray Group


AWS X-Ray Sampling Rule