Network Discovery is a Cloudaware integration that allows for the discovery of SNMP- and IP-based devices connected to an internal customer network. This guide explains how to add a network segment to Cloudaware.
Cloudaware Breeze Agent must be deployed on a server that has access to the internal enterprise network.
Add Network Segment (subnet)
Log in to Cloudaware account → Admin.
Find Network Discovery in the list of cloud integrations. Click +Add.
Fill out the form:
Name - insert a meaningful name for the integration
Group - insert a meaningful name for the group
Subnet - insert IP address(es) of the subnet(s) in the format (IP addresses will be displayed as network segments)
Breeze Agent - select the server with Cloudaware Breeze agent installed from the list
SNMP profiles - leave as 'None selected' for initial setup
Click Save.The green light in 'Status' for the network segment means that the integration has been successfully configured. If there is a red light, please contact
Optional: for discovery of SNMP-enabled devices, set up SNMP profiles. Select the tab 'SNMP Profile' → +ADD SNMP PROFILE.
Fill out the form:WHERE
Name - insert a meaningful name to distinguish the SNMP profile
Version - select SNMP version*
Port (optional) - insert the port where SNMP is set up
Community - insert SNMP community
*If you use SNMPv3, insert values for User and Password. Select Security Level, Authentication Protocol, Encryption Algorithm, and provide Encryption Password.
Click Save.
To view Network Security-related data, go to Cloudaware CMDB Navigator. Select NETWORK SECURITY in the menu on the left:
Network Vulnerability Scanning
Cloudaware provides vulnerability scanning for discovered network devices.
To enable vulnerability scanning, check the box 'Vulnerability Scanning' when adding a Network Segment or edit the integration settings (select the integration in the list, click tree dots → Edit, and check the box).
Scan results are available on network devices' records in Cloudaware CMDB:
List of Network Discovery objects
Cloudaware supports the following network objects:
Network Device
Network Device Interface
Network Segment