MongoDB Atlas

MongoDB Atlas

MongoDB Atlas is a cloud-hosted MongoDB service allowing customers to deploy, operate, and scale deployments on the cloud service provider of their choice. This guide explains how to add MongoDB Atlas integration to Cloudaware.

MongoDB Atlas - CA_logo_black.png To see how Cloudaware seamlessly integrates with MongoDB Atlas in action, request a demo.

Add MongoDB Atlas organization


  1. Log in to Cloudaware account → Admin.

    MongoDB Atlas - admin.png


  2. Find MongoDB Atlas in the list of cloud integrations. Click +Add.

    MongoDB Atlas - admin - add MongoDB Atlas integration.png

  3. Fill out the form:

    Public Key - insert the public key from MongoDB Atlas organization Access Manager
    Private Key - insert the private key from MongoDB Atlas organization Access Manager

    Click CheckSave.

  4. The green light in 'Status' means that MongoDB Atlas integration has been successfully configured. If there is a red light, please contact support@cloudaware.com.

  5. To view MongoDB Atlas-related data, go to Cloudaware CMDB Navigator. Select ATLAS in the menu on the left:

List of MongoDB Atlas objects 


Cloudaware supports the following MongoDB Atlas objects:

Atlas API Key
Atlas API Key Project Link
Atlas Access List Entry
Atlas Alert Configuration
Atlas AWS VPC Endpoint Link
Atlas Cloud Backup Snapshot
Atlas Cloud Provider Access Role
Atlas Data Lake
Atlas Data Lake Private Endpoint
Atlas Database Custom Role
Atlas Database User
Atlas Database User Role Association
Atlas Database User Scope Link
Atlas MongoDB Cluster
Atlas Network Peering Connection
Atlas Network Peering Container
Atlas Organization
Atlas Private Endpoint Service
Atlas Project
Atlas Serverless Instance
Atlas Shared-Tier Snapshot
Atlas Snapshot Export Bucket